Gaming Slot Mobile Gaming Invention and Evolution of Mobile Phones

Invention and Evolution of Mobile Phones

Invention and Evolution of Mobile Phones post thumbnail image
  • Introduction:

We are living in a world where the advancement of technology is at its heights. Since, last centuries the world has been noticed the progression in innovation of modern technology. These Advancements and Achievements of modern Technology have made our lives very luxurious, Easy and simply the best.

The Modern Technology gained many achievements and progress from the time it has been evolved like invention of Personal Computer, the list of greatest inventions in history is incomplete if it does not include Personal Computers. The Invention of mobile is also one such Greatest Achievements to modern Technology.

  • History:

The Story begins from the Invention of the very First Telephone by the Great Scientist Alexander Graham Bell in the year 1876, which made a revolutionary change in the whole world for advancement of inventing the wireless and Portable Telephone. Year by year changes and innovations took place in the advancement of creating a wireless and reliable mobile cell phone.

In the year 1973, The First ever Portable Cell phone call was made Martin Cooper Employee of the Cell Phone Manufacturing Giant Motorola. Although Mobiles phones were existed before this but it were used only in the cars in mid 1940’s. But, Martin Cooper was the only person who invented a cell phone for truly portable use. This Invention of Martin Cooper spread throughout the world like a Wildfire and Later Many Advancements and New Features were added to make a High end portable cell phone.

  • New Generation Mobile Phone Technology:

The latest advancements in the mobile phone technology has emerged from Last Two Decades till Today, The Cell Phones made from the Year 2000 has Much More features and advancements as compared to old phones. The Phones made are under Third Generation Technology; this new technology is not just capable of making a traditional voice calls but also it is capable to send and receive very large bytes of data over the network, sending Multimedia messages, sending Emails, Watching Videos, Storing Images, Files, Documents etc. The traditional days of writing a letter with an ink pen has totally replaced by the use of cell phones which brings a virtual world in our finger tips! The Third Generation Mobile Phone can also be connected to World Area Network through Internet Technology Using 3G high speeds Data Connection or connecting over a range of Wi-Fi Wireless Network.

The new generation Smart phones have not only changed the way we communicate with each other but also it has brought the world in our fingertips through use of all compatible features of Desktop or a Laptop. Smart phones comes with many new technology like GPS (Global Positioning System) that enables us to find the exact location using artificial satellite based connection, it also provides Navigation, Weather conditions of anywhere around the earth. Many Smart phones Supports large gigabytes of External Memory Card storage in which we can store all our personal data, contacts, images, videos, files, etc.

According to an article of the India’s most renowned newspaper “The Times of India” on 5th September 2014, Page no. 16, Said that “Mobile Phones will be out Equal to the Number of Humans on Earth by the end of this Year.”

  • The Mobile Phone Technology – as a Revolutionary change around different Industries.

Invention of Mobile Phone Technology and its Advancements, Progress and Enhancements has made a Revolutionary change in many industries, around the world. Below is the list of some of the industries which has been change by mobile revolution.

  1. Gaming Industry: According to a study it is made clear that more than 70% of the smart phone users play games on their device. The old days of traditional Gaming using a joystick, cartridge, and monitor as a display screen is totally replaced by Mobile gaming on Android Smart Phones. Mobile Phone Gaming has redefined the joy of gaming. With the increase of new smart phones mobile gaming will also continue to replace the traditional gaming totally! Many Game Developers also make their Software compatible and responsive to Mobile gaming user interface.
  2. Digital Camera Industry: Most of the new generation smart phones have camera features similar to that of any digital camera, such as Face Recognition, Auto Face Detect, HD Clarity, Auto Enhance, etc. Both Video recording and Image capture are similar to that of digital camera. Nowadays every high end Smart phones Camera is built according to some part of features of digital camera, Hence the Market share of Digital Camera is falling down.
  3. Music Industry: Almost every Mobile Phone or Smart Phone Created consists of inbuilt Music Player and also supports all types of Audio and Video Formats. Since, Installation of Music Player Software in Smart phones it created a huge impact on Music Industry which is the reason of great decline in selling of CD’s and DVD’s. Many users download music and video through internet that is killing the trade of music industry.

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